God's blessing on this great earth! FEATURE: The Top 5 Megumin Explosion Moments in KONOSUBA

Explosions? Evildoers being vanquished? Are allies and friends suffering as a result? Check again and again!

God's blessing on this great earth, KONOSUBA! is a fantastic isekai full of laughs, jokes, genre deconstructions, massive baddies, and explosions! Megumin, the Crimson Demon Clan's most beloved member, is a strong magician who only possesses one ability—you got it—explosion!

The most potent magic spell in the Explosion family is Explosion. Does Megumin become so exhausted by the spell that she loses consciousness and is unable to even stand up after it? Okay, sure. However, starting such a massive explosion from nothing would cause everyone to pass out temporarily.

It is large! It's over the top! And it never ceases to amaze us.

Out of every explosion Megumin made, which ones stick out the most? What are the highlights? The top 5 Megumin explosions in Konosuba are shown below.

                               #5: The Cabbages... and Darkness

One of my favorite moments is when Megumin uses her infamous Explosion spell for the first time and hits something. The OG explosion (or the OG explosion that really strikes its target, that is) is so awesome, you really can't help but enjoy it. 

Here, Megumin and the team are against a very nefarious adversary—a roving band of wild cabbages! In this universe, cabbages travel in vast flocks, travelling to distant lands where they eventually perish happily, unharmed. That implies that a yearly cabbage purge is necessary. After all, we need to safeguard our homes and fields against these marauding pests!

The problem is that there are a ton of them and that they are very hardy. Megumin and the others set out to defeat them with money in their eyes, but they were surprisingly overpowered by cabbages. They are all around us! Megumin uses her incredible explosive abilities to eliminate them for good. 

Together with the Darkness. Apologies, Darkness! Fortunately, she doesn't appear to care too much...

#4: Guardian Golem

The magically inclined may become intensely passionate about a particular form of magic or area of study. Megumin understands. The only issue is that the gifted person in question has left behind a number of golems that aren't quite up to par. They're all a little flawed, and they're assaulting Megumin and the crew on top of that. Much to her dismay, the golem's current attack makes it impossible for Megumin to keep and train it.

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Megumin responds explosively once more, shattering the entire planet. Yes, she loses consciousness after that, but this explosion is certainly remarkable! Particularly considering that Megumin destroys the golem and then causes what is left of it to self-destruct in another epic-level explosion.

#3: Devil King General Beldia

During a significant conflict with the Demon King's General Badia, Megumin casts one of his first and most entertaining explosions. The town of Axel, where Megumin, Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness reside and work, may not have been the initial goal of this high-ranking member of the Demon King's army, but he undoubtedly had a grudge against the local expert in explosive magic.

                                        RELATED: Every Crazy Aqua Face in KONOSUBA

Look, I would also be a little miffed if someone used the ancient castle I was utilizing as a covert base for target practice. However, fighting Megumin has enormous, explosive repercussions. Megumin not only defeats Beldia in a stunning way, but she also eliminates a large number of the zombie soldiers that were part of Beldia's army.  

expressions that exude cool. the day is saved. defeating one of the Demon King's army's highest level officers. What's cooler than that, you ask?

#2: The Destroyer

What's the one item that can halt a massive mechanical castle when it creates too much pressure and the subsequent firestorm may mean an entire town being wiped off the face of the map? Why, of course, a greater explosion!

Megumin needs to rely on her pals for this one because she recently ran out of power from using her earlier Explosion magic against the same evil Destroyer. Using the Goddess Aqua's power to feed her magic, Megumin unleashes one absolutely enormous explosion that is visible from well above the ground and full of fire and brimstone. This explosion will undoubtedly go down in history.

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Hey, unlike Beldia, Megumin didn't unintentionally cast Explosion at the Destroyer's stronghold repeatedly, triggering an attack that was bound to happen. Well done, Megumin! Your explosion is stronger and better than ever, and your personal development is going well!

#1: Hans the Toxic Slime Mutant

What is eventually able to eradicate a massive toxic Slime Mutant that is the root of death, destruction, and a myriad of other problems that Aqua in particular is utterly apoplexic over? You guessed right. Megumin.

Our beloved magician who uses fireworks has gone above and beyond to become Kazuma's team's MVP. Megumin always pulls through when they are up against a very formidable foe. And this instance is no different. 

Megumin's Explosion has grown and improved. This one eliminates an adversary that was more bothersome than ever, truly ending the world as we know it. Also, Kazume. But it's alright. Eris will merely send him back. Right? Right?! 

There you have it, then! God's blessing on this great earth! Megumin's top 5 explosions in KONOSUBA! Do you watch the Megumin anime spinoff? KONOSUBA -An Explosion on this Wonderful World!this season? Please share in the comments section.

                      Watch KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! on Crunchyroll


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